Document 2049 DOCN M94A2049 TI Services for the self-help of seropositive people. DT 9412 AU Vega A; Rossell C; Chuquiviguel A; Castro L; Donet R; Trefogli J; MHOL Movement Homosexual of Lima. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):392 (abstract no. PD0175). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370526 AB OBJECTIVES: This project is aimed to provide support and assistance to the actions of self-help developed within the Program of Support to Self-help, in order to cover the demand of meals, psychological and social assistance and of information of people living with HIV/AIDS and persons closely involved, such as families, lovers and friends. METHODOLOGY: The project, a joint proposal made by PROSA and the Movement Homosexual of Lima, is divided into four components: Meals; Buddy sistem; Legal assistance and counselling services; Informational materials. Working teams were prepared to direct the services combining professional and non professional work on a volunteer basis (20 volunteers and three profesionals). RESULTS: Seropositive persons and persons closely involved are working together, their work covers an important amount of the demand in meals: 6,000 rations; psychological and social assistance (10 people with AIDS benefited with the buddy sistem); 30 people in socio-legal counselling; 1,000 booklets about nutrition and sexuality have been distributed. CONCLUSIONS: Within the frame work of the self-help, support services can be more than just assistential and turn into a more efective promotion of the capacities of people with HIV/AIDS and persons closely involved in order to give services aimed to preserve them health, as well as an efective channel to integrate all the self-help groups working in Lima. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/THERAPY *Developing Countries Health Services Needs and Demand Human HIV Infections/THERAPY HIV Seropositivity/*THERAPY *Patient Care Team Peru *Self-Help Groups *Voluntary Workers MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).